YIPPEE!!!!!!!!...I am sooo excited everyone!! After much time spent researching, reading, asking questions, lookin again & again I finally decided to start listing some items for sale at Bonanzle. I haven't gotten near as far as I wanted, but I did get 3 things on there now. After about 1 1/2 days of listing I sold my 1st item!!:-) WOW! I am just sooo excited I even tried callin my girlfriend..you know it's a lil after 10 pm when I did that...course Holiday weekend & I get no answer. That is fine because now I am here sharin the same joy with ya'll:-) Better yet, I did not have to deal with Paypal as they chose the Google Checkout that I also offer along with Money Orders. As soon as I got my google checkout all verified wth it being a new acct for me their payment came thru right away. That money will be sent to my bank acct. within a couple of days. I do nothing, it just goes:) I profited more here with Bonanzle than I could have wth the 'Bay' because there is NO listing fee, you only pay when an item sells & there are charts for that. Up to $50 they only chg you $1...that is right $1 is what I got charged for my item selling. Now, I don't know if & what Google will charge me, but will soon find out. Either way, my costs were sooo much less than at the 'Bay' too! Ok, enough of my babbling...sorry eveyone, but I was just so excited with my accomplishment. Hope ya'll are having a Great Weekend so far. Take care till the next time.........................Kim www.bonanzle.com/booths/LilacsNDreams
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