Good Evening everyone!:) This won't be long, but wanted to stop by to say Hi to everyone. I survived the first weekend of our scheduled graduation festivities for our son. He graduated on Sunday, and our company that was here from LA just left this morning. So, the usual catch up of things, cleaning, organizing, and etc. Getting ready for this next weekend where the other side of the family will celebrate in another location. Family from within the area, TX, NY, MS, FL will be here. Will be a little big bigger, and is gonna be sooo fun to see everyone! I think this is the break I was needing. I get thru this weekend, then I will work on being back with creating, refurbishing, repurposing, and doing some crafty things to offer for sale. I am getting excited, and can't wait to start working. Summer sales generally slow down, and that will give me time to clear more inventory, and work on things too:)
Well, I am off and running again. Thanks to all who have stopped to visit, and hope you had a great weekend! Holiday weekend coming quickly, and hope ya'll enjoy it. Be safe, and enjoy the time. Take care everyone!:)
Thanks For Visiting Everyone & Come Again Soon!:-)
Hello everyone, and hope this finds you all doing well!:) Sorry, not ignoring any of you, just doing the final stages of graduation for our son which is on Sunday. Tomorrow night family will be here from LA, and then on Sunday everyone will get together. This weekend will be simple, but has just taken time to order what foods were needed, getting the house in order...some things not working/breaking down along the way too. It has been 1 heck of a week, and then the house was shown today on top of it all. Hopefully next week can start breathing a little bit, doing our last celebration with other side of family, and then things should be back to normal after all of this.
I did get time to take the glass from the picture frames I got to put around my straw hat--one I had done for my grandmother in her apartment--on my bedroom wall. Once I removed the glass I cut some scrapbook paper to fit, painted some chalkboard keys, crackle painted some little mini popcycle sticks to make fence posts, painted some mini straw hats, put couple of flowers on each one, used some embroidery paint to make fence lines between the posts. Once the painted items were all dried, and did any final touches to them, I was able to glue everything where I wanted on the scrapbook papers. Once the glue dried I put the papers into the designated frames they were done for, and hung them on the way. My daughter commented that they turned out better than she thought/pictured that they would. Something very simple, nothing fancy, or too done up, and it made a difference on the wall too.
Once family is gone again, and everything is fully done from graduation I can spend more time crafting like I have been wanting to do. I am anxious for this. Well, before I bore ya'll anymore I should stop for the night. Been almost a week, and wanted to stop by & say hi to all.
Oh, yeah, the beautiful Marquise Sapphire & Diamond ring I had listed for sale sold in auction at ebay. I know, I normally don't use ebay, especially after paying all the fees I did with final cost, paypal, listing fees, etc. They all got a nice chunk from me, but the ring is sold to someone I feel will appreciate it, wear it, and loves sapphires herself.
Good Night everyone, and have a beautiful weekend if I do not get back by here to chat till after. Take care All!:)

Hello Everyone! Sorry, been away from here for almost a week. Graduation is coming faster, and the rush is on to get things done. I have cleared the table off for people to sit at, and moved the crafts back to my craft rooms. Then, I decided to get some picture frames out to work on really quick, and finish a wall in my bedroom. A little bit of scrapbook paper, colored frames already colored, crackle paint, bronze colored spray paint, some chalkboard keys, some little mini wooden popcicle sticks make for fence posts, and a couple of little wicker hats, and some fabric embroidery paints I found along with whatever else I feel like doing along the way. Hopefully tomorrow I will have everything done, dried, and it goes back into the frames to hang on my wall. The frames will be arranged around a wicker hat that I had decorated a long time ago for my grandmother. It sat outside her apartment door with the word welcome on it. Since she had passed I got it back, and of course are colors of my bedroom, and that is where the hat hangs on the wall without the words welcome.
It feels good to be working on something again. Feels great that I can do some work, walk away while drying, come back to it later to alter-change-add to it, and it is done when I feel it to be done. I always did like the personal touches done to the decor in a home. The home is definitely a part of 'Us' when we can do this:-)
Well, I hope this finds everyone doing well, and that you had a great week too!:) I still have items for sale in my bonanzle booth, my etsy booth, and also my ecrater store too. Then, I decided to put that gorgeous sapphire and diamond ring showing on my 'For Sale Blog' up for sale at ebay. I did just a short time listing for the auction. My views are climbing, and my views have really been climbing at ecrater with it too. Would really be nice that it sold....preferably through my blog here, or ecrater. That is the last piece of jewelry I will be selling of mine. I have brought down my jewelry inventory to the pieces I wear, but knowing me I will find at least 1 or 2 more pieces to purchase at some point.
Anyway, time to run again. Wanted to say Hi to everyone, and hope ya'll are doing well. Soon the madness shall be over for me that I can then focus more on me, my crafts, my sales, and etc. Take care everyone till the next time.....
Hello Everyone, and hope ya'll had a great weekend! Rainy, cloudy, cooled off here, and for the next few days...UGH! I was soo liking spring till this happened. Well, I have been working on organizing the house a little more...going through boxes & of course finding more goodies to work with. That I like, and I know I hate going through everything, but is giving me more of a chance to see exactly what is here for inventory, and what more I will need too. I found some little oval frames that cloth & a little padding had been put with. And, there it stopped. I did find the white butterflies that would go great with this material to make them a simple wall of 3. So, have put those to the side to finish after I make sure there is nothing else I intended to use with these.
I am building my inventory to start working with things, and I am getting excited for this too. The more I find, the more excited I get. Until then I am still working on selling things with Bonanzle, Ecrater, and Etsy too. So, don't forget to check those places out for those things too. I will still sell my vintage, collectibles, and gently used items along with the repurosed, refurbished, craft things also.
Take care everyone till another day:) Here is something I found that is kind of fitting for what I have been doing right now.... "A Place to dream, A place to create, A place to breathe"
It is getting late here, and before I went off to bed, I had to come back here and wish all mother's a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Enjoy the day, and may it be beautiful for you!:)
I also wanted to add this in for those who are no longer with us to share this day. I have lost my mother, my grandmother, and my them I want you to know you are all missed, thought of often, and loved. Happy Mother's Day Ladies!:)

Hello Everyone, and hope ya'll are dong well. Weather is gloomy here....yeah know...I thought this was spring!:) Ok, was just taking a short break from cleaning house, organizing, sorting, and so on. But...I have more of a mess than when I started. I am finding little goodies here & there that I am organizing together, cleaning pieces, and so on. Making notes for inventory purposes so that I can know for sure what more I am needing to be working with some of my repurposed items, crafting, etc. Glue, paint, brushes, and sponge brushes are on top of my list. I found some instructions I had bought many moons ago for painting some flowers. Thought I got rid of them, but now I have something to work with, and see what I can create too!:) Well, I hope ya'll are having a great weekend! Stop by my booth at bonanzle where I have listed 3 items in the past couple of days. One of them is a unique decorative bowl with a white glaze by McCoy, a USA dark green garden dish planter, and the most adorable Antique Rose Hat Box! A must see! Have a Great Day Everyone!
Also, a reminder that these same items can be viewed, and purchased with My "For Sale Blog" too. Clickable button for this is at the top under my header. Keep in mind this is still a new process for me, and am working with it. There the paypal buttons for 'buy it now' are clickable, and available if you feel you did not want to travel any further to make a purchase.
Hello fellow bloggers, and Happy Weekend! WOW! Our social medias just keep getting better, and better, and better! Always new add ons to help us with our businesses, our on-line selling, and etc. Ok, when you get a chance, checkout my Facebook Fan Page, or as they now switched to the Like Page. When you get there click on the storefront tab. Netcarnation is really moving along with things, making adjustments, taking advice from people, and just keeps getting better all the time! My storefront page shows items from my bonanzle, clickable pictures, a button to share, buttons for tweeting Or facebook sharing, and also a button to buy it now too! How cool is that! Ok, here is the link for you to click, and go check it out at:)
Yesterday I was making a mess of things at home here. Reorganized some of my pics with a watermark on them before posting the items for sale. If you need a place that is simple, quick, and do not have to sign into use picnik for this. I am registered there, but never once signed in to do the work I did with my pics. I Love showing pictures to things, and feel it is better understandable for ya'll to see pics too. But, some people feel it necessary to borrow pics of others for their advantages of selling, or taking the fame for the picture. That is too bad. Always has to be a bad apple in the bunch, right?
Anyway, I brought up some painted baskets I had in the basement...spring & I should make some arrangements at home with these. Found some other little goodies for me to craft with. Still trying to organize the lace, doilies, materials, scraps from scrapbook paper, and so on. Also, found a couple of more items that could be listed for sale too. Oh, yes, my son & I loaded up the truck & got rid of the dryer at a place at the church that is collecting this stuff. At the same time the trailer is there for all donations to be loaded into, and did we load things up to that too. I have made a nice bite in the basement, and our garage too. It sure feels good to clean & organize things a little around here. LONG over due for all of it too. I have a couple of clothes racks I am gonna donate to the second hand store that is about 10 minutes from here, and it is all a working progress, but loving it.
Well now, I have used some of my time doing catch up with emails, checking my selling venues, and etc. Time to get, and work on a few things. I hopefully can get something completed today since it is sitting there looking at me, the glues are there, and I have a work area for it. Have a Beautiful Weekend everyone, and enjoy the day today!
Well, here we are another day, and whoops! I have been by my blog, but I guess I hadn't left anything here for anyone to read...sorry:( Ok, last week I had fun finding a few treasures to work with either to refurbish, repurpose, or to use for some crafty creations I am thinking of....or coming to mind as I treasure hunt too. I did go back to 1 place because a couple of weeks ago there was a whole bunch of shorter glass pillar candle holders. Almost like someone has used them for a special gathering, wedding, or something like that. I knew I was taking a chance of looking for them again, and of course kicking myself I didn't get them the first time. Course, until I got home it did not click with me all that I could use them for. Anyway, of course I get there, and they are all gone! UGH! Oh, well, my fault for not grabbing the first time, right?
Candle holders of all shapes, sizes, materials can really be used for much more than just lighting a candle too. Yes, we can decorate them, and still use them for our candles, but we can also put a plate on them for a bigger candle, kind of like a trinket dish, etc. If not a plate, why not a small bowl to decorate with some flowers, birds nest, a doilie, pin cushions, and etc. Or, use them as a stand for other various crafts too. Hmm...the possibilities. I myself love the old wooden candle holders, the banisters, ballisters, etc. I have a few in my home that sit with candles, or decorations for show. Just love candle holders:) Are you thinking of different ways now yourself? Love for you to share your thoughts here, and ideas. The more the merrier too:)
I was looking at this adorable little porcelain bowl I got, cleaned, and it sits at my kitchen bay window. Very clean white, looks almost new with a silver rim, and adorable pink flowers around the bottom of it. I was gonna put a little doilie in it, and maybe do some small flowers. Then, I thought of a pin cushion, or a birds nest with bird, eggs, and some other frilies. Now, I have thought of flipping it over, and attaching a little plate to it's bottom that one could burn a candle, put some of your favorite trinkets on, the popular birds nest with some goodies, and so on. I might have some hope for that adorable little bowl yet.
Well, hope everyone is having a great Hump Day, and the week has treated you well so far. Any ideas with your beautiful crafts you have done we would like to hear it here:) Have a Beautiful Day everyone!:o)
Good Morning Bloggers, and welcome to LilacsNDreams Blog! Hope ya'll had a great Friday night. Mine was catching up at home, and trying to get ready for graduation in about 3 weeks now. Clean, organize, and so much more to do. I spent time in the spare room, and craft room today going thru all my laces, ribbins, glues, wires, doilies, table cloths, pillow shams, and so on. I got piles laying all over, pulled out containers to store things into so that things are more organized & together. Well, the piles are still side tracked with our son today, and helping him. So, tomorrow hope to get that task done. Just doing inventory to see what else I need to start working on things I have designated for this area of crafting, or re-purposing items.
I did make another sale this week in my bonanzle booth which made me feel good. Hope the package arrives safely. I am always scared of each shipment. Not because of the way I pack things....I use tissue, bubble wrap, pink peanuts, and etc. It is the shippers that scare me. Never know from state to state how the distribution centers will handle things.
Well, I better be off to sleep so that I can wake to another beautiful day. Hubby will be outside working, so that leaves the inside to me, and all I want to do:) Have a Great Weekend everyone!:)