Here it is New Years Eve Day...haven't gotten to the night part yet:)
I wanted to wish everyone a safe & Happy New Year's Eve...Have a Great Weekend!!
Also, when you get a chance, you should check out this neat and growing place that others have also been coming too. Great place to share things about what you sell, what you make, the selling venues you are associated with, your own websites, and etc. The members joining there are growing fast. Why not be a part of something growing? Also, a great place to read, converse, share, and what not. Have a Great Weekend Everyone & most of all...please be safe!:-)

Good Day everyone! At in the forums they are still running the same topic there that was started on Friday (Christmas Day) for the Military. This forum was started to wish the troops a Merry Christmas, and to thank them for all they do for US to have our freedoms that we so enjoy. Anyway, the forum was started that in the end of it they would copy all that was said & done by many to send onto them to share & know that they are thought of, and thanked in all ways for what they do. The forum was gonna run for 1 day, but it was decided upon to continue it through the weekend. A lil at a time was being emailed to a friend who was sharing, and of course there are many other friends, family & acquaintances that will also receive this too. This is a really really neat thing started, still going, and I invite ya'll to come by and visit, read what is there, and if you would like....please join in too. Have a great weekend everyone, and I hope you are able to join in with us all there, and share this special event :)

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS....ESPECIALLY TODAY!! I am notifying & inviting all of you in blogger land to join in on the forum that was started for wishing a Merry Christmas to our troops, and thanking them. That forum is at: Here people are sharing their feelings, and comments, and at the end of the day OR by morning a copy of the whole day will be printed & is being sent to our troops. Some of it has already been started by emailing some of what was started earlier to a member over there now. Once received, they are to share it with other troop members too. This thought was proposed about 2 days ago to do this, and they are doing it. It is beautiful, many things being said, pictures/graphics being shared, etc. When you get a chance, please stop by there to read, or add in your words of encouragement to our well deserving troops! Merry Christmas to all & don't forget our troops...say a prayer for them too as we are enjoying our freedom today while they sacrifice themselves, and their families for our freedoms.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! Hope everyone is enjoying their day with family & friends. Praying for safe & happy holidays for all of you. I am snowed in at home, so am roaming internet land. Enjoy your day everyone & again....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

I just came from the forums at tonight. So much fun, sharing, well wishes, and many many things were being shared there tonight. Along with all of this everyone is sharing some beautiful pics, some funny sayings, and oh yes...some funny pics too! I am signing off the computer tonight to finish wrapping a couple of things I haven't done yet. I just had to share the good mood from where I came from with ya'll. Just a great atmosphere there that generally puts me into a good mood, and gives me a lil umph to wanna get a few things done. So, again, good night to all. Sleep well with pleasant dreams, and a beautiful day tomorrow!!

Here it is Christmas Eve...everyone getting it all done? I still have a lil wrapping to do for our grand daughter, son has opened his gifts, and just relaxing and enjoying the time. We are now officially snowed in, and looks to be that way tomorrow. Hoping everyone is safe, with family friends, and enjoying your evening of festivities...Merry Christmas to All
Hey, don't forget the cookies, and the milk for Santa...and drink some hot cocoa while you are doing things too:) Have a wonderful Christmas Eve everyone!!
Ok, I had to come back and do this separately:-) Well, here it is Tuesday, and hoping everyone is getting done, or close to being done with all their wrappings, card mailings, card makings, crafts, and beating the crowds with the shopping too. My husband left to finish up with shopping as I am waiting on delivery this afternoon, and trying to catch up with some things here since I have been home sick since Thursday...UGH! Been trying to get some items listed too, but just don't have the umph! to do all I want right now. Hopefully by Christmas day I am feeling better, and have a lil more in me to want to do things:-) Hang on!! We are in the area that is suppose to be getting hit really bad with snow, winds, cold, and all too! Well, I THINK we might be having a white Christmas after all! Hope this finds everyone doing well, and battling the weather where you are at. Take care my friends, and enjoy the day!

Ok, items listed here I have posted with my bonanzle booth at Being viewed is a Tupperware Cake Taker Traveler that could also be flipped & used as a large bowl with a lid for salads, chips, etc. Another listing is a canister June 2001 of apples from Home and Garden Party. Item was never used, and sat for show on the counter. What a shine! Then, there are 3 white lidded bowls with no name, clean, great coloring! That would be excellent for using for different jams, jellies, nuts, mints, candies, etc. Many many uses! The salt and pepper shakers are implanted with the date of 1993 on the bottom, and are from Land O Lakes. Excellent big & sturday pieces with their rubber stoppers on the bottom too!
Along with these items I had also listed some Homer Laughlin Pink Rose salad plates, and some cups & saucers also from the same brand. Then, I have also added some Mikasa Stone Manor Melissa items which was 4 dinner plates, and 4 coffee saucer plates listed twice for a total of 8 of them. Hmm...some really nice things being added in, and still more to be added too. Hope this finds everyone having a great day! Happy Tuesday!
Another day closer to Christmas! Next Friday is the big day:) I think I might feel the excitement just a little bit more as the week starts next week. I am already picturing the look on my grand baby's face with everything...she likes getting the candy canes off of grandma's trees:) We still have snow on the ground here, but it was nice & sunny & not a bad day out. Hope everyone else is having good weather to enjoy at this time. I took some more pics to post some things today, but hubby hogged the computer all day. So, I did little things at home here to catch up around here. When you get a chance stop by I have slowly been adding items there for sale...I think I am at 67? now. I know this week I have added like 8 items to replace items that have been sold. Still some time to ship items as I do use priority mail with insurance included too. So far, so good with shipments having no problems. I suppose I should move on to get some more things done, and caught up. Ya'll take care & have a great evening! Happy Holidays!
Wow! On upon browsing the booths there I have really noticed some neat old vintage xmas post cards, and some of the older decorations too! It is so fun to look at those things, and wish I had them OR view them in a setting that is just so yummy! I often read many things about the vintage, antique & collectible things on the internet, and how well they do OR don't sell. One person made a comment that really had me thinking. They felt that internet sales for some with this area were not high as people really don't understand these items, they have different views of what these items are, and most of all...the younger generation sees it in a way that does not fit into their standards or lifestyles. Many things that were made from yesteryears often last longer than products made today. They stand against time well, some pieces have gorgeous coloring to this day, and there are also pieces that can be fitted into some of the modern pieces or settings a person has too. I guess having a love for past items, or the understanding of it would help educate many others of this area too. So, along with selling some of the past that I do, I try to sell some things a lil more updated too. So, when people visit my booth you never know for sure what you will find there. Everything of every age has a past/history to it. If they could only talk to us...could make for some good gossip & blogging, don't ya think? LOL! I hope all of you in blogland are having a happy happy Hump Day! Just think, this time next week we are almost there to that BIG day! Enjoy everyone & wishing for all to have a safe & happy holiday season! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Happy Monday everyone! Are ya'll getting excited yet? Getting all that shopping done? Bet you are doing better than me:) Sales have slowly been picking up for me...the mad rush to get shopping done, to get things shipped, and there on time. I have never had an issue with my shipping times in the years I have been selling online. I have just had 1 order from this past week that has me a bit concerned. Shows the pkg to be there, but the customer has not received it. It is noted they have been notified twice about the pkg, but why is the customer asking me about who to contact then? Cross your fingers I get thru this one without any incidents...a bit nervous. Been cold here, and perfect time to be doing some craft things, scrapbooking, getting ready for son's graduation...but instead I spend time taking pics, and researching items to list for sale. Thru my searches I have been finding many different selling venues that either are still new, or some that seem to be doing quite well. Always looking for the ebay alternative so don't have to sell there. I have been selling at I have also sold a few things on the bay...when they do the free listings for the mth, or specials of 1/2 price listings....course they are widely known so this time of year there is business to be had there too. WOW! Look at the time! Better be off to bed. Gotta get them xmas cards done tomorrow, and in the mail, take some more pics, and try to list a couple of more things too. Have a Great Evening everyone! Have a Great Week!

Don't have to wish for this as it has been happening, did happen here, and I know many others have been getting all of that white stuff too! I could do without the cold, but it does make it Christmas with the snow, right? Hope all are getting their shopping done, and everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the weekend, and all you would like to do...Take care everyone!
Happy Tuesday everyone! Bored today, have many things to do, but it is snowing, school getting out early, and I have been roaming the internet. I have been visiting many of the blogs, and am so impressed with all that everyone does, shares, their talents, etc. Great Job to all Bloggers! Days like this always bring more sales on the internet too. I have made 2 more sales with my Homer Laughlin China. I luv these pieces, and it is hard to let them go, but I must make room for new inventory I would like to get in the spring time again. Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season, and may you get all you wish for, and want. Have a Happy Day everyone!
Happy Holidays Everyone! Christmas is coming fast now. Has everyone done all of their Christmas shopping? Maybe some of you are having a problem with some of those that are hard to find for, or not sure what to get them....I face that every year. Stop by and have a look around there. I always use priority mail which is a 2-3 day delivery, and generally ship the same day payment is cleared, or at least within 24 hrs of receiving notice for a cleared payment. If you don't find what you are looking for there, look at some of the other items being offered by other sellers at bonanzle. Due to our fees being so good there we can offer items to people at a lil lower price than some of the other internet shopping venues. Isn't internet shopping great?! If you are not able to get out and drive, or cannot make it to the shopping malls, or if you are like me....the crowds are too much at this time of year...I like shopping on the internet due to the selections, and the quickness of it too. I save more on shipping than I could with the cost of fuel for driving. Hope everyone is having a great day, and Happy Shopping to Everyone! Best of Luck!

Hello again everyone! I wanted to show just a few pics (there are many more) that were done by a friend of mine. Her photography business has grown, and she will soon be in her own building...just doing the final stages before she can move into it. At that time she will be able to display her work there, and do some of her photography there too. She has done weddings, graduations, special occasions, and etc. LUV her business name of Create-A-Concept. She does personalized video scrapbooking & photography as her business card says. Her business will be located in Ashton, IA...where she also lives too. Sooooo, if any of you are in the area stop by, and visit her on main street (remember the building is not ready yet, but a working progress)....where the real estate office use to be, just before Pete's. Or...after viewing, and you are interested, and want to know more drop her a line at OR 712.724.6548 . She checks messages frequently, and you can let her know that I (Kim Lambirth) told ya'll to contact her. Again, this is to wishing my friend Jodi much luck, and success with her new venture. Best of luck to you my friend, and I am proud of you!! ***Please do not copy these pictures as they are for viewing only...they are copy righted by the creator of them. Thanks so much!***

Sorry everyone...been away for a bit due to computer problems. Week of Thanksgiving I lost my computer, my friend of many years now. It decided it was time to retire, and I was reluctant about it, but it decided for the both of us:) Well, back up and running again, and soooo many things to catch up with! We got some light snow for a couple of days, but not enough to be out using the blowers, shovels, or anything like that. Hope this finds everyone doing well, and into the Christmas spirit. Not much time left, and it is coming fast! Take care to all & Happy Holidays to you & yours!:)