Glass Cloches Bell Dome Decorative Home Decor Serving. Welcome to LilacsNDreams, and glad to see you visiting with Me! Above the pictures you are viewing are all Glass Cloches that I have repurposed so far. The top left pink one is listed with my LilacsNDreams Artfire store, and is the first one that I made. The other two are ready to be listed with my store. Slight delay this week, but is a working progress.
Some people will ask, What is a cloche? A cloche is french for bell. Cloche jars were originally hand blown jars used to protect plants from cold, and frost. You will also find that they may be referred to the following as well.
• Bell instrument especially with music. A restaurant Bell shaped cover for plate of food used to retain warmth. A dome shaped clay oven used for baking single loaf breads.
• Row Cover: a covering which is for protecting plants from cold temperatures
• Cloche Hat: close fitting hat/womens which is worn by flappers in the 20s
Basically a Cloche was, and still is one of the latest rages in home decor. There are websites that sell these. Some of the prices from these sites are quite spendy. I myself prefer not to pay some of them prices which I am sure others feel the same way too. So, I have been making my own that I will be offering with my store at Artfire. I have seen others who have made these as well, and some of them are just gorgeous with what they do, and how they present them! Sometimes vintage glass pieces are used, and sometimes a more modern piece is used as well. After viewing websites, and what others have to offer I started to watch different Thrift Stores for pieces that I could also use myself. I also would check through some of my own belongings at home, other pieces of inventory I have, and etc.
Cloches have many uses for them. They are pretty, and can be paired with many different things in order for you to get a variety of looks. They look great adorning mantles, counters, tables, knick knack shelves, using woodland floral arrangements, single flowers, succulents, showing precious photos, collections of seashells, vintage objects, ornaments, and many many possibilities. Can be used for everyday, holidays, special occasions, gifts, and so on. They are versatile because of what you choose to put under it.
Thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams, and hope you enjoyed your visit. Remember, you are always welcome to share with everyone here, leave a comment, and don't forget to say Hi so I know you visited with me too. Love hearing from everyone. Make sure to check out my store, and watch for others that I am completing and will be listing too. Take care everyone, and see you again soon.
Anchor Hocking Glass Company Bubble Pattern 1937 to 1965.
Hello, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! As many know I do sales online with different market places. When listing treasures that are found by thrifting, yard sales, flea markets, estate sales, and etc I often research before listing them. I like to see how popular others listing same item at the time, read in my books for information if I have one to help, and a lot of research is done online with other sellers of like items. My passions are with vintage, collectibles, glassware, reused, repurposed, recreating, and things like that.
This item Anchor Hocking Milk Glass Bubble Pattern Bowl is listed with my store at Artfire. Here is a little bit of research that I was able to find on it. Collectors are calling this pattern "Bubble". I have also seen it referenced as Bullseye, and Provincial too. Anchor Hocking Glass Company which is of Lancaster, Ohio first produced this pattern in 1937.
There are different Bubble colors for different years which are:
1937 - crystal, forest green, sapphire blue
1959 - white milk glass
1963 - pink which was in a very limited number, and the royal ruby
There is also iridescent which is rare, vitrock, amber and other hocking colors
The exceedingly, orbicular bubbles have managed to be timeless in blending as well as with today's decorating themes as they did when they were first issued.
Hope you enjoyed the little history lesson with this Anchor Hocking piece I have listed, and found something useful for you to use as well. Thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams, and see you again soon. Take care.
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL From LilacsNDreams!
Happy to see you stopping by here as always. If you have something to share, or just want to say Hi, please know that you are Welcome to do so.
Everyone have big plans for the big day tomorrow? I do hope that everyone has some where they can go, some where they will be, have someone to share the day with, or have people you can be with to celebrate this day. Will be nice to have a day off for a little while anyway. Enjoy some good food, great company, and just being with family and friends is always a special time.
I wish you all well, enjoy your day, have fun with it, and most of safe. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!
Repurposing Your Favorite Treasures For the Home and For Selling too.
Hello, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Always happy to have you visiting with me! There are many things that many of us do with crafting items. Some of us make completely handmade, some of us use items and alter them, we paint, we glue, we cut, we design, and a little bit of everything comes together for us who like to do this. All of these treasures are made with love, thought, and are not mass produced. One-of-a-kind pieces that are special in many ways. I enjoy, and think it is fun to see creativity, and the excellence of so many very talented people. I am in awe with so many things I see on the internet, through different market places, and am intrigued by all of it too.
So, What are some of your favorite things to craft? What are some of your favorite things to use, and craft with? Do you just work with one area, or are your interests spread with many things? I myself enjoy repurposing pieces of different things I find. I love glassware, and enjoy using some of that to work with. I enjoy the different plates I find, the colors, the designs, and enjoy putting these pieces together to make one-of-a-kind treasures for others to enjoy. Many of the pieces I find are lonely pieces, some are pieces from broken sets that did not sell in one of my online stores, many are gently used pieces, some are vintage pieces, some of the pieces might have a slight flaw with them, but are still very usable too. I find my pieces with thrift stores, good wills, junking, yard sales, and just about anywhere that someone has something to offer.
There is so much out there I want to do, want to work with, and try to create. Right now I am in a rut of making cake plate stands, candle holders, jewelry holders, candy dishes, soap dishes, catch alls, and pieces that fit with many home decors. I enjoy making these pieces because they are versatile, and have many uses.
I adore cloches, and have made a couple of them myself. My 1st piece was ok, but I enjoy the second piece I made from a glass vase, and hope to get it offered into my Artfire store this weekend too. I have about 4 cheese plate cloches here that I have painted the wood bases...all a different color. They are dried, one I will add a candle holder to it painted the same color to raise it, make it a pedestal for it. Then, on couple of them I want to add some tea or coffee stained music paper to the inside of the bases. Found myself doing too much at once:) I have 4 different sized wooden pedestal bowls that are all painted, and I am working on getting those offered in my Artfire store too. I might keep for me....LOL:)
I have another piece that was a kitchen utensil of sorts. I have it primed, and painted, and here it sits. A doilie I thought would work great with it....I want this piece to be a wall hanging.....but the doilie was not as I had planned on with this piece. So, I have to look through some of my inventory at home here to find another one, find some paper to mod podge with it, maybe add some lace, buttons, and you know....something like that. When the mood hits right, and I get inspired is when it will be completed. I have some pieces for yet some others projects I have in mind...should be fun! But, I first want to complete what few pieces I have here now before I become overwhelmed with all of it.
Anyway, I am sooo enjoying this, and find myself at peace when working on different things too. I enjoy painting the smaller things, gluing, light sanding, putting things together, and just a little bit of everything. I enjoy seeing the work of others, and learning from many who have shared things along the way too. But, enough of me now. What do you like to do? What are some of your favorite things you have made, repurposed, altered, and so on? Would love to see what others have been up to. Please share with all of us when you have the chance:)
Hope everyone has a great weekend.....Tomorrow is Friday already! Where did this week go? Take care, and Happy Crafting everyone!:) See you the next time.
Please, Remember Our Veterans Today and Tell Them Thank You
Hello, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Happy to see you here, and that you are visiting with me! Today is Veterans Day. It is a special day for many who can remember times, have lost family members to this, and for those who are still here to share with us too. If you will, just take a moment, please remember our Veterans today. And, if you see someone who is a Veteran, if you will, walk up to them and shake their hand and tell them.....Thank You!:) This would mean so much to them. Remember, it is a trying day for some of us, but even more so of a day for the Veterans amongst us.
Thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams. When in roam on the internet don't forget to visit with my stores for vintage, collectibles, and repurposed at Artfire and Ecrater. Also, visit Ebay with LilacsNDreams for some of the items I am auctioning too. Thanks again, and hope to see you again.

With Google+
Google Plus Open For Business Pages
Hello, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams everyone! If you do not already know about it, or have not seen notices for it yet, Google Plus has opened their next phase for Business Pages. Like anything else when new, a bit confusing till you figure it out, but it really has not gone badly. When trying to work with something new you always seem to hit a slight bump in the road. It happens. I myself do like how these pages are compared to FB. I am having more success with navigating around much easier, and going from a personal to the business page seems to go much smoother than FB too.
One thing I like about a business page with Google+ is that it will be good for SEO, gets your name out there more, and I have seen some business pages comment on how they were being ranked and found with their pages too. Hey, every little bit we can do helps all of us Sellers out, right? Google has many different apps that people work with, they offer free websites, and until I went to process my Google+ Business page....I had forgotten that my business name is registered with Google showing business hours, map, location, and etc. So, the more with Google the merrier right?:) And, let's not forget that Google is also the biggest search engine for general, and for shopping too. So, having these business pages just gives it another kick too:)
When you can stop by to visit my page, see what it going on there, sign up with Google+, give me a holler, and add/invite me to your circles.
Thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams. Remember to visit my stores for vintage, collectibles, repurposed, and reused treasures too. Most of the inventory is at Artfire, and I also have a few things with Ecrater. Some of the inventory has been listed with Ebay recently too. Hey, gotta get some of this inventory to move so that I can make more room for other things found, and mostly to make more room for me to work on repurposed and restyled pieces too.
Take care, and hope to see you again!
Day Light Savings Time Clocks Fall Back an Hour.
Hello everyone, and Welcome again to LilacsNDreams for vintage, collectibles, gently used, and repurposed. Wanted to stop by as a reminder to everyone AND to me too! Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight before you go to bed. You could wake up to a reality check in the morning when you are rushing to get to church, go to the store, meeting with friends, and realize that you are ahead of schedule...LOL:) So, set them clocks back, and enjoy another hour of sleep, and relaxation. I know I will.
I realize with us setting the clocks back it is good, we are "gaining" an hour, and all of that. But, I also am reminding myself how it will get darker sooner, the nights will get a little bit longer with darkness, and that fall/winter is here. Hmmm.....
Well, off I go again. Taking a break, got a simple wood candle stick painted today, wanted to tea stain some music paper....I have to find them in the closet again. Need to measure, and make a paper template to follow before I start cutting into those music book pages. Will see what happens, and what this body feels like doing tonight.
Thinking of my friends as they are out shopping, digging, thrifting, and enjoying "girls weekend". Hope all is well with them, they are enjoying it all, and finding some good things too:)
Thanks for visiting LilacsNDreams, and hope to see you again. Take care till the next time everyone.....
Welcome to LilacsNDreams Where Vintage, Collectibles, Gently Used, Altered or Repurposed Treasures are offered.
Hi, and thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams tonight. I wanted to drop a small note here to let everyone know I am still around, and that I really have not been ignoring my blog. I have been by here often, and have done a little bit of work here and there. I do things as I am able to before I have spells of this darn cough I still get.
Anyway, if you check on some of my other pages with the tabs at the top, you will see that there has been a few things done with some of them. I have listed more items for sale at Ebay trying to move some of this inventory I have at home. I am still selling at Artfire, and also with Ecrater, and you are always Welcome to visit my stores too. This week I did have a sale with a Fenton piece from Artfire, and I have sold 2 other items with Ebay. I have another item sold at Ebay...still has time with the auction. So, slowly some sales have been coming to me...whew! Feels good to have some to work with, and making room for a few more things I would like to list at Artfire with some vintage, but also with some items I have repurposed too.
You will see some of the links clickable in this posting to go to the stores, or you can also find the links to the right side for the stores. Just give it a click, and you will be there. Hope everyone had a super duper week...better than me health wise. I would never wish this stuff on anyone. Thanks for visiting with LilacsNDreams, and hope to see you again. Have a super Weekend ya'll.