Hello everyone! Hope your week has started off well for many of you! Today I spent time in my office taking things out, rearraging it from side to side, brought in an old sewing maching from the garage that I am now using as a desk-put the printer on top of it, and put some shipping tapes & printer inks into the drawers, I am using my grandmother's old utility cart to set treasures on that I have been listing for sale, etc. Still looks kind of full in here, but so much more organized & the middle of the floor is open that I can at least spin in it now:) After doing that I sat down to the computer & have been here all day like many times prior to this too. Researching, reading things, reading posts & opinions of people, checking on all of my emails, and of course checking to see if things have sold yet. I did get a few pictures taken for some more listings I would like to do too. I have 52 items listed at www.bonanzle.com/booths/LilacsNDreams I have also listed 5 things to www.Lilacs-N-Dreams.ecrater.com Now, for tonight...keep in mind...I am signed up with quite a few places, just not using all of them yet, or not knowing if I will. But, tonight I did list 3 things to www.LilacsNDreams.etsy.com and within a couple of hrs I have already gotten a few views on 3 of my items there. WOW! Tomorrow I have more of the same vintage dinnerware set I am listing, and want to lightly wash those pieces, and get pics of them to post more into Etsy. They are a really neat place there that sells things Hand Made, but they also sell vintage items there, and some supplies are allowed to be sold there too. Every site is always scarey to list there, learn the ropes again, but with etsy it wasn't too bad. I got thru it ok, and if I can, well then...others can too!:) Well, everyone, it is getting late, and doctor says I need to work on changing my schedule more so I fall asleep sooner, and not be awake all night. So, I better scoot from here. It has been fun & everyone's blogs are looking good as always. Ya'll take care till the next time. Have a Great Week my friends!:)
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