GOOD AFTERNOON HALLOWEENERS...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Hmm...this time of year is a blast, isn't it? I like things old, from the past, and crafts too....would luv to find some old halloween items. Wouldn't that be fun? Always neat to see how things were maybe different in another time:) Anyway, gotta run for a while today. Ya'll take care, have fun with the preparations, get lots of goodies, and please be safe! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE...KIDS & ADULTS TOO
GOOD MORNING Everyone & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Hoping everyone has a Great fun filled day! Enjoy it, and be safe everyone. Have Fun!:) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
and the fun is beginning for the Halloween Weekend! Wishing everyone a great weekend with much fun, excitement, get togethers, parties, haunted houses, candies, trick-or-treating & Most of all...Be Safe!:) Enjoy the weekend everyone & eat some candies for me too!:)
Hello everyone & Happy Hump Day!:) Today I have sooo many things to do with moving things from one sight to another, I have pictures taken I want to download & resize them for viewing on the different sites, and a lil more research on items I would like to list....a never ending job of a seller:) Hope this finds everyone doing well, and that the day is beautiful where you are at. Here it is cloudy, the sun is tryin, but not succeeding. Reminds me that FALL is here & the trick-or-treaters will soon be out running around, and enjoying the evening. Well, wanted to say Hi here. Better get back to being busy with listings. You get a chance, stop on by and visit me with my listings, and of course many other things to be seen too. Have a Great Wednesday Everyone!:)
I have items listed with the following: AND with my ID is lilacsndreams
But you were gonna guess that one, right?:)
Happy Halloween Everyone!! We are another day closer to the weekend! Is everyone ready, got all your candies, got all your costumes, and got the kids ready for it? Hmm...did we get all of our decorating done for this night? Visited any haunted houses lately? Let me put on some coffee, and maybe ya'll should come visit me at my house of treasures..HAHAAAHAAA...OOOHHHOOOH Have a Great Day everyone & hope ya'll are ready for the weekend of goblins, ghosts, fairies, spiders, bats, graveyards, and etc etc:-)
I really need to change my habits of staying up late, and working on things, and start getting this bootie to bed a lil bit sooner!:)
So, since I am still up & it is 12:43 a.m. my time...Good Morning!! Looking at the calendar we really don't have much time left before Christmas do we? Hmm...the days will be going faster now. The end of this week already Halloween! Where has the time been going? I know I have been busy with trying to work with all the internet market places I am at. I keep posting a lil more to each place everyday, and moving things around a bit. I listed 3 things at I figured I might try that a bit. Then, I have listed 5? things with At the same time I have been growing my list with I have 51-54 items listed with --this place is really starting to pop up lately with & had a couple of articles done from the owner/founder of this sight. Then, last, but not least I broke down and listed some things again with and there it is just plain old lilacsndreams is my ID name there. It is the holidays, gonna list everywhere I can right now, and by January when things slow down a lil bit I can look things over. By then I can hopefully see a lil bit of where I am doing better at. At I have also got my second booth I am working on right now. Got the name picked out, got my banner & avatar on there, just filled out for the google checkout there, and now I need to get some pics done from inventory here, and get listing in that booth too. I am hoping to keep in this 2nd booth just things like linens, table cloths, table runners, doilies, pillows, throws, blankets, etc. Just some of the more simple things that work great with many decors such as the country look, your cottage look, the chic, the retro, and etc. You know what I mean:) Well bloggers, it is now quiet upstairs:) My son brought a kitty home from work cuz it was sitting outside the door there, whining, and hung there all night. He gave it some food, and will take it to the vet on the way to school tomorrow. Boy who wants to be tough, trying to do the right things with the way things are in life, graduates this year, but still has a really big heart...hope he never loses that!:) Ok, I am off to bed now....a lil earlier tonight anyway:) Ya'll have a great morning! May the sun shine on you wherever you are!:)
Hello everyone! Hope your week has started off well for many of you! Today I spent time in my office taking things out, rearraging it from side to side, brought in an old sewing maching from the garage that I am now using as a desk-put the printer on top of it, and put some shipping tapes & printer inks into the drawers, I am using my grandmother's old utility cart to set treasures on that I have been listing for sale, etc. Still looks kind of full in here, but so much more organized & the middle of the floor is open that I can at least spin in it now:) After doing that I sat down to the computer & have been here all day like many times prior to this too. Researching, reading things, reading posts & opinions of people, checking on all of my emails, and of course checking to see if things have sold yet. I did get a few pictures taken for some more listings I would like to do too. I have 52 items listed at I have also listed 5 things to Now, for tonight...keep in mind...I am signed up with quite a few places, just not using all of them yet, or not knowing if I will. But, tonight I did list 3 things to and within a couple of hrs I have already gotten a few views on 3 of my items there. WOW! Tomorrow I have more of the same vintage dinnerware set I am listing, and want to lightly wash those pieces, and get pics of them to post more into Etsy. They are a really neat place there that sells things Hand Made, but they also sell vintage items there, and some supplies are allowed to be sold there too. Every site is always scarey to list there, learn the ropes again, but with etsy it wasn't too bad. I got thru it ok, and if I can, well then...others can too!:) Well, everyone, it is getting late, and doctor says I need to work on changing my schedule more so I fall asleep sooner, and not be awake all night. So, I better scoot from here. It has been fun & everyone's blogs are looking good as always. Ya'll take care till the next time. Have a Great Week my friends!:)
Happy Hump Day to all Bloggers! Hope the week has been great for all of you so far! How has the weather been in your neck of the woods? Feeling like Halloween yet? It has been cold, snow, rainy, and dreary for us around here. Makes me want to move where it's a lil warmer, and snow could happen sometimes. Weather definitely has something to do with the moods that we all have for the day also, don't you think? Thanks to this weather I just have not felt like doing much of anything the past couple of days. I have listed oh about 3-4 things since Sunday, but just been feelin blah thanks to the weather. :-) Selling has been slow for me, and I hope with the holidays that it will soon pick up a lil bit. I know others have been feeling the same, and everyone at has been really swell to work with there, talk to there, share things with there, and etc. Was curious about anyone else who sells at different venues how things have been for you with those sites? What the heck, Hump Day always kind of does a mood thing with ya too, don't it? :-) About 2 1/2 more wks and it will be Halloween. I hope the weather is good for many to celebrate, and for us here as I would really LUV to see our grand daughter trick or treatin this yr. She's at that really cute age that it becomes fun, and makes us all feel like kids again:-) Well, I suppose I should head back to bonanzle & try to get something done. Course, roaming the forums is fun too! Ya'll take care & Hope everyone has a Great Evening! Till the next time my blogging friends-behave, have fun, and enjoy!:-)
Excuse me, am so very sorry everyone:( I didn't realize I had been away from here for a week now. I have stopped in to read & check on things, but never left a note for anyone. Sorry. Stayed busy buying a few things from fellow bonanzlers at their booths, have attended a few live auctions with some of them, and enjoyed my time visiting with all too. I did get about 3 items listed, but am working on more. Have delicately lightly cleaned a few things, and waiting on them to dry & take a few more pics to show everyone. Everyone ready for the goblins, witches, ghosts & all the lil scarey critters we get for Halloween? I usually decorate a lot for all the holidays, but have fallen behind for Halloween. Busy contending with car problems, and family. Nothing serious, just another stepping stone in life is all. I did visit a few more lovely blog spots today & so enjoy reading what others have to say, looking at their pictures, and learning many things from many people too. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories, your experiences, what venues you are selling with or can be found at, your websites, and etc.
Well, I must get back to drying & getting some pictures done so that I may list some more lovely treasures for sale. Stop in & visit with me sometime at bonanzle. I can be found at If I am on line when you visit, we can surely live chat if you want as that is a feature they have there. Ya'll take care & Have a Beautiful Weekend! :) Kim @ LilacsNDreams

Ok, I have had some help with this from fellow bonanzlers & am still hitting some dead ends. This is the Charlie Chaplin plate that I am researching. I have even gone to where the company site was...or at least thought it was. They sent me onto another place...Hmmmm. Bubbles Inc is numbered # E108, and is a 1st Edition too. The maker of this plate does have his signature on the back of it. This plate is still in new condition & the only thing that shows any kind of wear is when I was removing it from the styrofoam...fighting with it should I say? & pulling some of the tape back that had this all sealed together inside. As you can see it is a plate that is ready to hang OR comes with the plate holder to use for a sitting display too. How unique that the cover for this plate is a tin that is the shape of a movie reel. He is well known for his silent movies being the 1st film star. His films are history. I see many posters, figurines, post cards, and etc being sold for him. But, I cannot find anything with this plate. If it is that hard to find, maybe it would be a gold mine to a collector too. What do you thing? Any suggestions? If you have any ideas on where to look I am open to more suggestions as I have been trying what I know & what others have chipped in on too. Ok, this is good nite to ya'll again. Sorry, but really putting this out there to find out something, and asking for a lil input to this if you will, please. Ya'll take care & Have a good one. Later....Kim
Good Evening fellow bloggers & hope it has been a good night for ya'll too:) Today I stayed busy with research...looking for some info on a Charlie Chaplin plate I have & having a hard time with it. I was fortunate to have many people from Bonanzle trying to help me, giving suggestions, and some of them understood what I was saying when they too could not find this particular item I have been looking for. I worked on researching more venues today & tonight...since I am hooked up with facebook, a fellow bonanzler had commented on the Market Place there. They had noted something there & not long after that they got lucky & it sold. So, silly me went to the same place & how neat it is! Not just for sellers, but also buyers, and maybe you have something you just want to give away. It all works there. I seen someone noting how they sell Avon & how to contact them. So, lots of possibilities there. Get a chance ya'll should check it out. Well, we are officially into the month of October...when it cools down more (depending where you live) the leaves change colors, football games, hot chocolate, and of course Halloween too:) I need to drag some things out this weekend for that occasion. Grand Daughter would like that very much to see those things. So young (3 1/2) and full of life & so much to explore too:) Well, I have many things to get done yet & gonna spend all day with hubby tomorrow moving the lil camper to his new site where they will be working. So, better get a move on if I want to get anything done. Ya'll take care & Have a Great Evening/Weekend!:) Later....Kim