Hello again everyone, and glad to be here again too:) I have added a couple of pages to my blog. If you will notice at the top there is a button/title that is for Bonanzle Treasures Offered & also a button/title that is for eCrater Treasures Offered. When you have a chance, please view both pages. I know I am changing a little bit of what I had first planned with my blog, but wanting to make things easier for all of you too:) I LOVE sharing things with everyone here, and I love to boast about my marketplaces, what I sell, and etc. But, so I do not fully dwell on it, and bore all of you with that, I am trying to arrange different pages to separate it for all to view where they would like to visit, and of course come back to the beginning here to catch up on things with me too:)
I will still keep my LilacsNDreams Store page as I am making some notes, and ideas for that. I already have the page started, and will still use it. Just a little differently now is all:)
Hope this finds everyone having a great day!:) Looks like storms here tonight:( Oh, well, gotta have a little rain now & then too...makes things smell good, freshens things, and so on. Thanks for visiting me today, and hope you enjoy my new pages I have added to this:) Take care everyone. Toodles........
Support for TSU Sellers Network Hello everyone, and thanks for stopping by to visit me today! I am soooo excited about TSU Sellers Network, and some of the new changes soon to happen with the new platform, some of the great features it will have, not only great for the sellers, but also will be great for those shopping too! Please see the link I have enclosed that was very nicely written by one of the members there Ilene Asbury. She did a very good job, and it shows to all of us how this site is welcomed & appreciated by all members there that they support it like this too!:) Angie, the sight owner, has done very well keeping everyone updated as things progress with the sight's new platform she is working with. I am soo excited myself, it cannot happen fast enough. But, all good things must take time to become what they should, right?
Hope this finds everyone having a really good day. It's Monday! Beginning of a new week! Wishing everyone a beautiful safe, and productive week. Please visit the TSU Sellers Network thread I have posted, and understand about all of the excitement too!:) Take care everyone, till the next time:)
! ! HELP ! !
Hello Everyone, and thanks for stopping in to read about this great new opportunity that is being worked with. As you all know I do belong to a few social networks, and I love it too! I meet many people with them, am able to share things with people, and also get help from many of the members too. At TSU Sellers Network, or some might know it as Treasure Seekers Unite, there is a Great Opportunity being worked on! One of those situations where it is good, and has to be had now to get all involved with it....you know what I mean?:) Angie, the owner of the sights is working on a deal to put All-Into-One for all the sights she has. We would have 1 place to go to, 1 sign in, with many features to be considered, looked at, and things that Sellers & Shoppers could share together. How neat is that!?) A Social Network for all of us to gather to, and unite:)
Money is being raised to help secure the New Platform with some of these great new features too. We have 24 hrs set as our goal. For those who donate, Angie would be willing to exchange for some advertising of the New Site to help meet the goal set. If already a member, please donate. Hey, New Members are always Welcome too!:) Thank You in advance for your donations, and wish us luck!:) It is going to be bigger, and better than before....I can't wait!:) Hope to see you there, and here is the link to help you out too:)
Chipin Widget Donation for New TSU Platform
Here are a few words from Angie: All donations will cover the one-time cost of our new platform, 1 year hosting, and 2 years of domain renewal. Please share the above link with your friends, even if you can't afford to donate.
Donating members will be featured on the new website. You can view a list of all current and previous contributors via the OUR SPONSORS page.
Thank you!
Hey, that 1 time cost is better than a yearly occurance with Ning...I like it:) Thanks for visiting me, and for reading about this great opportunity everyone. I hope to see you there, and to be a part of something big, and better for us too!:) Thank you in advance to all who participate!:)
Hello Everyone, and thanks for stopping by here, and visiting with me!:) I had noted about some wonderful social places to be visiting. One of those mentioned is a new place that is up & coming, and I wanted to clarify a little more of what it is. The best way for me to explain it is like a shopping mall. This is a place for sellers to offer their goods, show you where their items are being sold, a place for the buyer to get a feel of what is being offered, and where being offered at, and instead of visiting their store right away you can ask questions here too. To better view what I am explaining, it would be best for you to stop by & give them a visit at Marketplace Spotlight A Place for Your Online Shopping. Hope to see you there!:)
Well, keeping this one short tonight....I am tired again:) But, am happy to have you stop by, and see me here too:) Thanks again for the visit, don't forget the LilacsNDreams Store button at the top that is being worked on...click it & have a look:) Also, I am still working with my website too at LilacsNDreams Site. I have been priming & painting with some things at home today, and soon hope to have some pictures to show of some things for you too:) I also went thrifting today, and found some nice collectible pieces that are now drying, and hope to picture them & add them with my inventory soon. Ya'll take care, and stop by again soon!:)
Hello Everyone, and thanks so much for stopping by to check on me today. I have been up since about 2:30 a.m. not able to sleep. So, what the heck, get some things done now, right? I feel I am getting tired, so won't make this long to all of you.
Upon viewing my blog, make sure you check on the side for some of the social sites I belong to. The boxes are there, and they are clickable to go to them too. But, I will put them here for you too. Check out:
Vintage Village The 2 administrators here are great!:) Check out the pictures of some gorgeous vintage treasures too...Hmm...
TSU Sellers Network Angie has a nice place here for sellers to collect at to show pictures, their links, share & help each other too.
Marketplace Spotlight This is a new place that Angie also runs too. Place is growing, and is for the sellers & shoppers too. Sellers show their things here, give an idea of what they sell, and shoppers can stop by to view & read a little bit of something about different places of where sellers sell at too.
eCrater Social Network ESN For those who have ecrater stores, check this place out too. Here are other sellers from ecrater that share links, pictures, and help each other too.
Well, I think maybe should go rest a little bit again. Daughter here soon to get some money from us...HeHe...will stop for that, right? LOL! Son has left for work with a new job today, and I hope to be able to get 1 of my items painted today so that it can sit to dry, and I can do my finishing touches to it. Wish me luck everyone:) Thanks for stopping by, and hope to see you again:) Have a Beautiful weekend everyone & Have Fun!:) Later..........
Hello Everyone, and Good Evening...Early Morning for me:) Sorry, I really have been absent lately, and I truly am sorry for that as I miss it when I don't stop into my blog as I was becoming accustomed to. I have quite a few social sites I belong to, and have been going through those, and knocking some of those out of the way according to memberships, how long I had been there, if it was benefiting me in some way, and how often I actually visited & participated with it too. Whew! My list was very long, still kind of is, but slowly going down too:)
I have recently signed up with a new place that is taking off quite well, and suggest others stop to visit. Will be a place for sellers to show their things, and a place also for buyers to visit to see what is being offered, and see things a little bit more detailed too. When you get a chance, please visit with Marketplace Spotlight Angie is the owner there, and is a great gal who spends much time on the internet working with this sight, and some other ones that she has too. Another popular one of hers for sellers to collect to, share things there, and etc is with TSU Sellers Network When you are able to, stop by to give these 2 places a visit. The memberships are growing daily, and they are great groups of people there too:)
Don't forget, if you like Thrift Store, Yard Sale, Flea Markets & Junking too...stop by my group page I had started with facebook too. Place to share your treasure hunting experiences, your junking, dumpster diving too---I know there are others who do this too:o) Share your links, share your websites, share some pictures, and just a place to have all sharing the same interest to collect to. The group name is Thrift Store, Yard Sale, Flea Market Junkies on FB, and on the side there is also a clickable link that should take you there too:)
Thanks for everyone being patient with me since I have not been here much. I wish I could promise it would change, but life happens sometimes....I am sure we can all relate. This last time besides me trying to do my thing was dealing with my daughter & grand baby being here do to some marital issues. So, added to my 'TO DO' list was more cooking, more cleaning, babysitting, shopping, and etc. Hopefully it is all ok as they are home again too. Life...one curve after another, right? LOL!
Anyway, ya'll take care. Thanks so much for stopping, and for your wonderful comments too! Best of luck to all of you, have a beautiful day, and I'll be back!:) Later.........
Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog. I was just stopping by here to check on a few things, and get my list in order of things to organize with, and get more a schedule set for me. I have so many 3 blogs I work with, 2 websites working on, all the ning social places I belong to, and let's say I spend a lot of time reading emails, and socializing. So, I have looked some things over, and let some social sites go, and am going over things to get more of a schedule for me to follow. Would make things easier, and help me so that I can get back to focusing on listings items, and working on some of the things I am doing too. Summer about over, and time to get back into the groove of things again:)
Hope the weather has been good where everyone is. We have some very strong winds...up to 70 mph hit us, and the area. In 1 area I heard of a train being blown over from the winds we had...yeah, pretty bad, huh? Came in, and just that like that is gone again. Winds just all of a sudden quit, and you could see lights on the hiway again.
Well,after reading a little bit, and a friend helping me with some instructions on my website, I hope to working on that tomorrow. At least gonna try it, and play around with it. Hopefully get it to more of where I would like it to be:)
Well, everyone, hope ya'll had a great evening, and are safe where you are from the weather. Take care, and have a beautiful day! Later.....
My Goodness! Where has the time gone this week? Wow! It is already Saturday night, late, and I will soon be off to bed. Trying to complete things, work on some things, and unfortunately it has not been with listing things either...UGH! I have really got to work on organizing a schedule for me!
I did spend time a little bit researching, reading, and printing some notes for me on how to do a few things with my google site. I have been busy with some of the nings social sites too. Love them places, and the people you meet with them too!:) Check them all out sometime. There is Vintage Village They are working on a Co-Op ad right now that will be published with Vintage Magazine. I am excited about it myself too. There is the paper version, and also a digital version too:) Then, there is TSU Sellers Network A social network for online sellers, and the past few days has had some nice growth with their membership there too. Angie not only manages that sight, but has other things she does to help with advertising, promoting, and etc. Another one I cannot forget about as they have a ning, a blog, and it is all connected with the ecrater store network too. The name for that is eCrater Ning They have some really great people here too! Very helpful, informative, and great at working together, and helping one another with any issues or questions that arise.
There are some more I would love to mention, but I do not want to bore ya'll with all of them tonight. I will save those for the next time, ok? Now, don't forget, I have my booth with bonanzle, and you can go there by clicking the button on the sidebar along with my store at ecrater too. And, the new google site I am working with is at LilacsNDreams I know same name:) Sorry, but I am kind of attached to it:)
Thanks for coming by, and for all new followers too. Take care, and have a super weekend!:)
Welcome everyone & hope ya'll have had a beautiful day, and had a great weekend!:) I am seeing a little bit of lightening happening outside again....soooo humid, sticky, misquitos, ugh! So, I will try to keep this short, or do the best I can:)
I have some new friends that came by to visit & follow. Sometimes this system is not letting me through to send thank yous to the new followers, and to thank you for your visits. Please know I would LOVE to respond to everyone, but for some reason I cannot always get through to do so...UGH!
Tonight I started another experimental project for me. I used one of my old tin trays that is a blue & white gingham looking one. I painted my first coat of chalkboard in the center, and when done with this I am going to finish up the second coat for it to dry over night, and finish up what I would like to do with it. I will take pictures to show ya'll when it is completed. I need to be outside painting, but it is sooo humid, buggy & all I might have to spray in house. Got out some old cheap plastic like table cloths to set out & around for this. I need to get it done, and cannot be outside to do so:(
My week started off a little busier than I intended as I had made my list of completions I wanted to do for Bonanzle listings, and eCrater listings too. Also, to work on some crafts, refurbishings, repurposing, and etc. Even if I only get 1/2 the list done, I will be happy. Something is better than nothing, right?
Well, due to weather, I better scoot for the night. Great seeing all of you here, hearing from you, and thanks so much for stopping by. Don't forget to visit my Bonanzle Booth, my eCrater Store, my Facebook Fan Page, and.....my new google site I am working on too:-) Thanks again everyone, and will touch base with ya'll later. Take care till then!:-)